Utter transformation of a ‘blank’ house that was a city lodge for country women. The deck has doubled the living area, & provides space suitable to sub-tropics. Lots of timberwork has married ‘raw’ material with the brickwork. Court below now connects house to yard & pool. Front of house has received a makeover, to subsume the garages into much needed interior space and entry, all with similar timberwork to deck, but using aluminium for lower maintenance. To further use ‘raw’ material, the carport is all galvanised steel, in a minimalist style.
BDAQ State Finalist 2011
Click to see the entries
LD – Peter, Andrew
Town Planner – Chris Welch, CravenOvenden (now Reel Planning)
Surveyor – Axis Surveys
Engineer – AD Structure
Certifier – Catalyst
Builder – Ross Stone
Photos – Jose Figlioli
Residential Renos